Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, April 25, 2008

Just An Update;

Just wanted to update everyone on what has been going on. I have been working so many hours. I have not had time to do anything. There is so much that needs to be at my house. I have to do so much laundry. Just wanted everyone to know that next week I will be at the Holland Tulip Festival almost all week. Also I am so excited because I am going to go with my Daughter and my new friend. I am not sure what day's I am going to go. I know that I am going to go for sure on Friday May 2, 2008 so that we can go watch the fireworks together. I also know that I am going to go that Saturday for the carnival. Also there will be a couple other day's that we will be going. I have never been the Holland Tulip Festival before this will be fun and very exciting. I know that I will be very well taking care of when I am there also. Also just update on my new friend. I am really glad that we meet each other. I know that I have waited a long time to meet someone like him. He is so good to me, and my daughter. He opens my car door for me when get out the car. He also makes sure that I never have to pay for anything. More updates to come.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Pictures Of Ashley:

These pictures where taking of Ashley at Aunt Sarah's house on Friday when she was there. I hope everyone enjoys these pictures. I know I did. Ashley is holding and feeding Peter as you can see. Here she is again feeding Peter. She loves to hold her cousin and feed him. She also likes to play with him.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Just an Update:

Not a whole lot to say. Other then the fact that I had a fun weekend. I went to my friend Dave's house for a cook out. Ashley was there to. He had some friends over as well. That was really nice time. he then came to church on Sunday with me. It was very nice. He is a nice all around christian guy.
This weekend we will be might be going to his parents house. So that will be fun as well.
Here is a picture of Grandpa and Peter sleeping in the chair together.